Morale Patch Review: "Let's Lick Tits"

by Steven Bartholomew | June 22, 2023 | 0 Comments

The only reason I can imagine someone wouldn't love this patch is for the simple fact that they're just not getting any. That's gotta be it, and if that is the case, it sounds more like a personal issue than an issue with this patch in particular.

But hey I get it, dry streaks can be both mentally and emotionally exhausting. Obviously, if you were in the position to lick some tits, you're gonna lick some tits. Some things just go without saying, but it's just getting into scoring position that's the hardest part. 

Just keep your head up and stay consistent. Play it cool and don't come off to needy and you're bound to be licking some tits in no time. How do I know? You really think we would have made a patch that says "Let's Lick Tits" if we weren't licking any titties in our free time? C'mon man... we're like experts. 

Actually, this idea came from an episode of Rick and Morty, where Summer used it as a badass one-liner before embarking on a sick adventure. It definitely plays, it gets me hyped up just saying it in my own head, and I'm sitting here on the couch in pajama pants. Mentally, you would never be able to tell that though with how psyched I am. "Hell Yeah! Let's go lick some f*cking tits!" would be my genuine reaction to hearing this for the first time. Especially before a sick op, are you kidding? Where we going, and are we taking the Little Bird?

It plays both ways, use it accordingly.



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