We don't really know much about Chris Mintz, the veteran and hero that bravely confronted a coward in the recent Oregon school shooting. There isn't too much information out there on him, but we sure love what he did. That's EXACTLY the kind of spirit that we need more of in this country. We could all do with a higher dose of courage, bravery, and doing what's right. There are so many people who would rather film a cop struggling against an assailant instead of helping out and getting in there. This "film everything" culture is stupid. Its produced a culture of fucking do-nothing "witnesses" and has created a serious drought of "doers". Fucking sheeple... We don't know Chris, but we can promise you he ain't no fucking witness just here for the show.
Just a few days before the tragic shooting in Oregon, Chris posted a couple prophetic memes about his mindset. One was a photo of flames with the caption "I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me."
A couple days before that he posted a photo of a lion that read "If you want to be strong, learn how to fight alone." God damn. Its scary how true those memes would prove to be a couple days later.
We couldn't stand idly by while this veteran was in a hospital bed healing from his wounds...so we did what we do and we made a charity morale patch and sold each one for $20.00, with 100% of that going towards the Chris Mintz GoFundMe campaign, which has so far topped $792K in donations. In a little over a weekend we were able to sell 213 of them, which raised $4,260. As of the writing of this we were still the highest donation made to the total campaign, which we thank all of you for. We're so proud to be a part of this community.
-The Violent Little Crew